Singing Guide: Gene Moore

Singing Guide: Gene Moore

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Develop Your Singing Voice Like Gene Moore

Gene Moore is not just a soulful gospel singer, but also a songwriter and an incredible artist. His unique style, powerful delivery, and emotional depth in the songs he sings make him a remarkable inspiration for anyone aspiring to be a great vocalist.

Finding Your Vocal Range

The first step to developing your voice like Gene Moore is finding your vocal range. This is where Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test comes in handy. This test will determine your range and compare it to famous singers, including Gene Moore. Knowing your range makes it easy to choose songs that suit your voice and style.

Building Your Breath Control

For most singers, breath control is essential. Good breath control starts with proper breathing techniques, which Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics blog post covers extensively. You need to master abdominal breathing for maximum airflow and support. Active Breathing also comes in handy in proper breath control. By allowing the expansion of muscles on inhalation and drawing them in on exhalation, you can decrease the effort needed for breath, reducing tension in your neck and shoulders.

The Importance of Posture and Articulation

Your body posture affects your singing, and it's advisable to learn about good singing posture and ensure you maintain it while singing. Singing Carrots' How Posture Affects Your Singing blog post is an excellent place to start. You must also learn about articulation, enunciate your words clearly, and ensure that they're understood. You should never be lazy with your diction.

Learning Gene Moore's Unique Vocal Techniques

Gene Moore's voice is smooth and soulful, with a distinctive husky emotion that resonates from the heart and soul. To learn his unique vocal technique, you need to pay close attention to his delivery, focusing on the interpretation of words as opposed to just the notes. He brings emotion and meaning to every song, and his voice is incredible at conveying these subtle nuances. It's important to learn how to connect with your emotions and use them to tell a story.

Choosing Gene Moore's Songs to Practice

Once you've examined Gene Moore's vocal techniques, it's time to choose and practice his songs. Some of his popular songs include "Coming Home," "All For Me," "Ask For Rain," and "Recover," just to name a few. You can find a list of his famous songs and their vocal ranges on Singing Carrots' Find Songs by Vocal Range tool. Also, check his warmup routine in the Farinelli Breathing Skill-related Video.

Continuously Improving Your Singing Voice

Learning never stops, and it's essential always to practice and learn new techniques to maximize your potential as a vocalist. You can deepen your understanding of the voice and different singing styles through Singing Carrots' Educational Singing Course blog post or go more in-depth on a particular area, such as twang, growling, while getting warm-up exercises and more, through Skill-related Videos. Besides, Singing Carrots' Vocal Health blog post and Breathing Basics provide excellent resources to ensure good vocal health and avoid the damage that may result from suboptimal practices.


Gene Moore is an inspiration to many artists and singers worldwide, and learning his unique vocal techniques can help you become a better vocalist as well. Ensure to utilize Singing Carrots' useful resources to take your musical journey to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.